The “Spice Girls” from Apex High School won 1st place a gold medal with their Sope recipe. The Swain County High “Ridgerunner” team won 2nd place and a silver medal for their Shredded Chicken Tacos. The “Wolf Pack Chefs” from Parkwood High School won 3rd place and a silver medal with their Lasagna Roll-Ups with Creamy Balsamic Vinaigrette Simple Salad. The “Menu Masters” from Monroe High School in Union County won 4th place and a silver medal for their Teriyaki Sunset. The Ashe County High School “Husky Culinary” team won 5th place and a silver medal for their Lasagna Wrap-ups.
Congratulations to all the teams! We hope to see these recipes on school menus. Learn more about the teams, their recipes, and the competition by visiting the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction's website.