Farm to school helps integrate food, agriculture, and local food systems into our educational systems which steer us towards a resilient and vibrant future.
- Duplin County grew and harvested seasonal fruit on-site, and purchased fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, students were able to process the food for consumption and tasting.
- Halifax County supported its farming program this summer by purchasing much needed fertilizer, seeds, and plants.
- Macon County students really enjoyed fresh corn. They talked about how it was grown, shucked corn, and prepared corn to consume.
- Durham County distributed Grow at Home garden kits which were sent home to families via Durham Public Schools summer camp and summer school sites.
- Edgecombe County purchased produce from Conetoe Family life, which is a local farm in the area. They served watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, blueberries, and blackberries in their summer feeding program.
- Wilson County purchased produce from four local farmers and served a variety of vegetables for kids to try (cooked and raw options).
- New Hanover County bought garden supplies and celebrated Farm to Summer Week. They will be using more funds to fix their greenhouse.
Thank you all for the work you do year-round for your students and communities!