The USDA’s Patrick Leahy Farm to School Program is conducting its fourth Farm to School Census in Fall 2023! This Census is the only national survey that examines local food purchasing, school gardens, and agricultural education efforts in schools. High participation rates will help illustrate the scale and impact of farm to school within North Carolina and show us where there is room to grow. The USDA and partners around North Carolina encourage school food authorities (SFA) representatives, Extension Agents, non-profit partners, and farm to school advocates to learn more about the 2023 Farm to School Census.
On October 24, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service and partners from around North Carolina hosted a webinar sharing how to participate in the 2023 Farm to School Census. The webinar objectives included –
1. Outlining the purpose and importance of the 2023 Farm to School Census
2. Demonstrating the impact of past Census data
3. Highlighting Census resources provided by the USDA and other state-level farm-to-school partners
4. Sharing how SFAs and community partners can participate in the Census.
Webinar Partners:
1. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service
2. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Office of School Nutrition
3. North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension
4. North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services
5. Center for Environmental Farming Systems, Farm to School Initiative
Additionally, the USDA has created a resource page to help state agencies, SFAs, and their partners prepare for and complete the 2023 Census.