The F2SCNC believes that farm to school (F2S) contributes to both the well-being of our kids and to community food security and seeks to support partners in meeting urgent needs and building farm to school capacity. Funds will support farm to summer efforts in 12 counties using grant funds through the Farm to School Coalition of North Carolina from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation.
The funding is intended to support local food purchasing, infrastructure, promotion, and/or educational programming. Find more about the RFP here.
The following North Carolina LEAs and Community Organization Sponsors were awarded $2,000 each:
- Alexander County Schools
- Brigade Boys & Girls Club, New Hanover
- Duplin County Schools
- Durham Public Schools
- Edgecombe County Public Schools
- Halifax County Schools
- Jackson County Schools
- Macon County Schools
- Nash Co Public Schools
- Student U, Durham
- Transylvania County Schools
- Warren County Schools
- Wilson Youth United – The SPOT, Wilson County
The Farm to School Coalition of North Carolina brings together a dedicated group of farm-to-school stakeholders in collaboration to expand and strengthen farm-to-school initiatives across the state. The Coalition is led by partner agencies and organizations including the Center for Environmental Farming Systems, N.C. Cooperative Extension, N.C. Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, N.C. Department of Public Instruction, N.C. Department of Health and Human Services, Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP), FoodCorps North Carolina and the School Nutrition Association of North Carolina.